In British English, And is used before the last two figures (tens and units) of a number.(In American Englush ,this is unusual.) การเขียนตัวเลขให้ใช้ and เชื่อมระหว่างหลักสิบ กับหลักหน่วย ตามตัวอย่างด้านล่าง
125 Three hundred and twenty-five (US: three hundred twenty-five)
719 seven hundred and nineteen (US: seven hundred nineteen.)
3,077 three thousand and seventy-seven (US: three thousand seventy-seven.)
*Note that in writing commas (not full stops) are used to separate thousands.
2. A and one
Typical mistake: I want to live for hundred years.
A)The words hundred, thousand, and million can be used in the singular with a or one, but nor alone. A is more common in an informal style; one is used when are speaking more precisely.Compare: เลขร้อย พัน ล้าน ฯ ต้องมี a หรือ one ตัวใดตัวหนึ่งนำหน้า ไม่มีไม่ได้
I want to live for a hundred years.
The journey took exactly one hundred days.
I've saved a thousand pounds.
Pay the inspector of taxes one thousand pounds only.(On a cheque)
A is also common in an information style wtih measurement-words. Compapre:
A pint of beer will soon cost a pound.
Mix one pint of milk with one pound of flour.
B). Note thai A is only used with hundred, thousand, etc at beginning of a number.Campare:
146 a hundred and forty-six.
1,146 three thousand , one hundred and forty-six.
C). We can say A thousand for the round nunber' 1,000 ,and we can say a thousand before and, but we say one thousand before a number of hundreds. Compare:
1,000 a thousand
1,031 a thousand and thirty- one
1,100 one thousand, one hundred
1.498 one thousand, four hundred and ninety-eight.
Compare also:
a mile one mile , six hundred yards
a pound one pound twenty-five (1.25)
a foot one foot four (inches)
an hour and seventeen minutes one hour, seventeen minutes
3. Hundred and thousand
We often say eleven hundred, twelve hundred, etc instead of one thousand one hundred etc. This is most common with round number between 1,100 and 1,900 .
4. Nought,zero , nil, etc
The figure o is normally called nought ( no:t) in British English, and zero in America English.
When numbers are said figure by figure, o is often called โอ
My account number is four one three two six o six nine.
I measurement (for instance , of temperature), O is call zero.
Zero degrees Fahrenheit = 17.8 degrees below zero Centigrade.
Zero scores in team-games are usually called nil in British English (American zero) .In tennis ,table-
tennis, and similar games, the word love is used.
Manchester three ; Liverpool nil.
Five -love; your service.
Typical mistake: My birthday 's on seventeen june.
There are two ways of saying dates.การเขียน วันที่มี 2 อย่างคือ
The first of January , January the first.
The seventeenth of June, June the seventeenth.
In American English, dates are generally said January first, June seventheenth,etc.) When dates are written , the, of, and often the ordinal enging(-th ,etc.) are dropped.
1(st) January 1976. February 16(th), 1978.
When dates aree expressed entirely in figures, Americans put the month before the day. 8.6.79 means June the eighth in British , but August tghe sixth in the United States.
The numbers of years are usually said in two halves.การเขียนปี แบ่งเป็น 2 คู่
1066 ten sixty-six
1789 seventeen eighty-nine
1984 nineteen eighty-four.
921 nine twenty-one
6.Telephone numbers
In phone numbers, we say each figure separately. O is called โอ. Instead of six ,two two ,etc, British speakers usually say double six , etc. หมายเลขโทรศัพท์ อ่านเรียงตัว เลข 2 ตัวซ้อนก้น British English อาน double, American English อ่าน เรียงตัว เช่นตัวอย่าง
307- 4922 three o seven -four nine double two.(US: two two.)
52816 five two eight one six.
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